The Crown's Entrapment

Chapter 702 [Bonus chapter] I Love You

Chapter 702  [Bonus chapter] I Love You

Bella panted hard as she tried her best to get back on her feet.

"Stop it, Sephiro!" Osman shouted as he approached the boy. "Can't you recognize me?! It's me, Osman!"

Bella couldn't recognize the boy anymore. He was covered by a dark shadow, and his eyes had also turned into orbs of pitch blackness. Clearly, he was no longer the Sephiro they knew.

She and Osman, together with the rest of the convoy that escorted her sister-in-law Jayra, brother Bartos, and the rest who were suspected to be harboring the demon's bloodthread to the Kingdom of Ebodia had a stop over to camp for the night not far from this Sorrow Cliff on their way back to Cordon. Osman then took her away from the rest and gave her a sweet surprise with a romantic picnic dinner near the cliff where the two of them beheld a beautiful view of the night sky complete with the serene and soothing sounds of the river beneath them.

Everything was so perfect that night. The two of them have even confessed their true feelings for one another. She confidently took the risk of having a relationship with him despite the fact that she wasn't past the age of possibly being blessed to experience the Mate Pull.

But then, that romantic and happy night of her life became a nightmare when Sephiro suddenly showed up covered in blood before them. He was being chased by the rest of the envoy, screaming of how the boy had attacked the camp and killed everyone.

Of course, Osman tried to talk to him, but the possessed boy was no longer himself as he attacked. The others tried to stop him including herself, but Sephiro was too powerful with the blood magic coursing within him. It was the demon's bloodthread giving him power.

Bella looked around, and there was nothing but the blood of all their companions. The only ones standing against Sephiro now were herself and Osman.

"Bella, run and ask for help!" Osman shouted as he tried to subdue the boy.

Bella hesitantly nodded. She knew that what Osman just told her to do was the best course of action at that moment, but her body refused to move. She didn't want to leave him like that behind. Something was telling her that if she ran away, Osman wouldn't make it out of this situation alive.

"No!" Bella shouted as she moved to help Osman.

Desperately, she launched an attack at Sephiro, but before she could even dig her nails into the boy, she had already been bounced back by a heavy blow. It was as if there was an invisible wall protecting Sephiro.

"You… Maybe I should end your life first!!!" Sephiro growled, only, it wasn't in his usual voice. He was possessed by the Demon King!

Bella could feel her heart hammering inside her chest. She had a feeling that they wouldn't be able tomake it of this place alive.

[Try shifting again!] Poona snarled as Sephiro threw Osman to focus on her.

To her wolf's advice, Bella tried again, but there was nothing she could do.

"Hahahaha! It's futile!" Sephiro mocked with a maniacal grin. "I already covered this entire area with spells preventing your ability to shift!"

She frowned. No wonder then that it was easy for him to kill and subdue every single one of them. None of them had the abality shift to either of their wolf or hybrid wolf-human forms.

Bella unknowingly moved backwards as she tried to think of a way to escape. At the corner of her eyes, she could see the cliff hanging below them. It was a dangerous and deadly ledge that no living creatures would ever survive should they fall over it. The height alone could kill anybody, and the deadly river would make sure to finish the job unless they could breathe underwater.

'I'm sorry, Sephiro,' she inwardly grimaced, her mind already made up on what she had to do. Once she threw Sephiro over the edge, the boy would surely die. It was cruel, but it was the only way for her and Osman to survive the dark power currently controlling the boy's body.

"Do you really think you have the energy to throw me over there?" Sephiro mocked as if he had just read her thoughts.

Bella's face turned faint when she felt her body freeze up.

[I can't move!]

[It's the dark mist crawling over our body!] Poona groaned as both of them felt a sharp stabbing pain crawling up their foot. [It's keeping us pinned down!]



Bella screamed in pain as she heard Osman's voice. Looking at him, she did her best to stay awake, only to fail as her vision slowly blurred out on her.

"Osman…" she weakly uttered, feeling all the energy in her body draining out of her.


Osman shouted, and Bella's eyes widened as she saw him hugging Sephiro. He then moved to pull the possessed boy near the cliff with him.

"No! Osman! No! Don't!!"

Bella shouted with all her might. She could already tell what Osman was trying to do. She tried her best to move, but her body refused to listen to. Her tears flowed like rivers as she met Osman's eyes, her beloved already struggling to not let Sephiro get out from under his clutches.

And even worse, he was smiling at her.

"You dummy!" she sobbed even as she yelled at him. "Why are you smiling!!!"

Osman opened his lips to reply, and while she was unable to hear his words, she still managed to read his lips.

'I love you…'

Those three words… They were the last things he whispered to her before he went and threw himself over the edge with Sephiro in his grasp. But then, something happened. There was a dark blast that engulfed the world, and Bella could only watch as she saw Osman fall off the cliff while Sephiro was safe on solid ground, the boy falling onto his knees before collapsing onto the dirt like putty.

She felt her body move as she felt her energy to her. With her newfound strength, she wasted no time as she quickly ran towards the edge of the cliff, her hand outstretched to reach out for Osman despite the fact that she was already too late. She could only stare at Osman's falling body below her, the dark shadow and the demon's bloodthread following him down to the raging abyss below.


She screamed in horror at the sight before her. And if that wasn't enough, she then saw a white bolt of lightning hitting both the bloodthread and the dark shadow following Osman, turning them into dust before everything around her went blank.


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