The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 1159: Aurora (38)

Chapter 1159: Aurora (38)

"I am not crying, but even if I do cry, it doesn't mean I can't slit your throat while shedding tears," Aurora said very firmly. She didn't even take her piercing glare away from Lathia.

Hearing that statement, there was a small smile on the corner of Rose's lips. She quite liked Aurora's bravery and didn't expect the girl to say that so plainly, it was clear to everyone that she didn't like the way Lathia looked down on her.

At first, Rose looked down on the girl Draghar brought home and was introduced as his mate. Aurora looked weak and unsuitable for this pack, especially as Draghar's mate, who would automatically become a Luna.

But who would have thought that the girl turned out to be so strong, very different from the initial impression that Rose got when she saw her gentle and slightly shy appearance.

"You two want to fight?" asked Rose, offering a solution for Aurora to channel her frustration at Lathia's behavior so far.

Hearing the offer, Lathia automatically widened her eyes at Rose. How could she say such a thing? Shouldn't she know that Lathia wasn't the fighting type. She wouldn't be able to win this fight.

Especially if the rumors circulating about Aurora were true, that the girl in front of her had managed to kill three lycan warriors who attacked their pack, of which the three lycans were traitorous lycans on duty at check point one.

"Why would I fight her?" Lathia grumbled, she held her cheek, although it didn't hurt too much, it was the shame that was still left on her that made her even more angry at Aurora.

On the other hand, Aurora did not respond to Rose's offer. "Can we begin?" Aurora asked, turning her body to face Draghar's little sister, as if Lathia wasn't worthy enough to get her attention.

"Get out of the way Lathia," said Rose.

Lathia grumbled as she regrouped with the other lycan warriors and watched the upcoming match between Aurora and Rose. She hoped that Rose would teach Aurora a valuable lesson.

"I hope this will not end easily," Rose said, she then walked straight towards Aurora, no more circling like she did earlier, because this time she would attack the girl directly.

Aurora didn't say anything she just focused on Rose and watched every move made by her opponent.

Therefore, when Rose lunged forward and jumped at Aurora while shifting to her black beast form, she did the same.

The fangs and claws clashed in the air and the two beasts that had such a stark contrast to each other looked fierce.

The two of them didn't hold back from attacking each other…

On the other hand, the lycan warriors who were watching what was happening before them, were stunned when they saw the white lycan figure in front of them.

This was the first time for them to see directly the figure of a Donovan in their beast form.

Of course there wasn't a single person who didn't know Donovan's name there, especially after the great war with the demons ended. Donovan's name was so exalted and their story was a bedtime story for children, where they were described as strong and invincible.

Maybe the stories were a bit exaggerated, but that also meant the Donovans were not someone you could underestimate.

Meanwhile, Cole who witnessed this smiled happily. "If Draghar saw this fight, I wonder what his reaction would be…"

"He's going to kill you, of course," Collin said.

The Beta then sat beside the Gamma, while from his hands and lips a thin smoke billowed from the cigarette between his fingers.

"When are you going to stop doing that annoying habit?" Cole furrowed his brows at the cigarette that Collin held. "I didn't know a shifter could get addicted to that kind of stuff."

Collin laughed. "Of course not. I just love it. There's no particular reason." He then nodded towards the battle before him. "She's pretty tough."

Cole smirked. "She's still not used to this fight. Life in her pack is too peaceful for her instincts. She become a little blunt," Cole commented. "I wonder what if she goes berserk. Should we find out?"


Draghar's face was cold as he faced Victor, while on his left was Vincent, one of the four magicians in this blood mood pack.

"If we let it continue like this, he will bleed to death." Vincent stared coldly at the dying Victor. His left arm had been cut off from Aurora's attack during the attack a few days ago and now he could only groan in pain from Draghar's torture.

"If indeed he prefers to die rather than provide valuable information to us, then let him choose that path," Draghar said. He still didn't expect Victor to betray him by becoming a traitor who defended his brother, Gerald.

This really put Draghar in a very bad mood. He felt like there was no one else he could trust.

They all had the potential to stab him in the back, if he let his guard down a bit. And that only added to the trust issues that Draghar already has.

"You are not as strong as Gerald," Victor said in a breathless voice, blood still flowing from his severed hand and his pale face, almost making it hard for anyone who saw him to read his expression.

At those words, something inside Draghar rose, something dangerous and dark. He didn't even realize what he had done until it happened, as his sight turned black and all he wanted to do was to kill…

Draghar raised his foot high and stomped on Victor's face until blood spluttered on the cold and dirty prison floor, and there was no longer the voice of the wizard despising him and comparing him to Gerald.

'You are not as strong as Gerald.'

Those were the same words Draghar had heard since he was a child. His father always said that whenever he tortured him.

It wasn't a problem at the time, because Draghar wasn't born as an Alpha, like how he was now.

He was born an omega and it was a disgrace to his father who was an alpha…


It had been about an hour that Aurora and Rose had been lying on the ground after their fight, they put it into a halt, because if they fought more than that, one of them would be killed.

Meanwhile the other lycans had already been disbanded by Cole and Collin, so there were only the two of them in this place.

"Draghar was born as an omega..." said Rose, she lay on the floor, waiting for her wounds to heal and apparently her fight with Aurora, had drained her energy.

Aurora was not great at attacking, but she moved very agile and fast, dodging every attack and taking the opportunity to counterattack.

Fighting with Aurora was really frustrating, because when you couldn't get it on the first try, you would get more and more agitated in the next tries and it made your emotions affect your movement, made you attack blindly, relying only on your instincts, and it was a mistake in every fight.

But, that didn't mean Aurora wasn't hurt. Of course there would be times when she let her guard down and Rose managed to get her.

"Yeah, I have heard of that…" Aurora mumbled, gasping for air. She lay beside Rose, her head spinning and feeling dizzy. Never had she fought like this before…

Rose was very tough, making Aurora wonder why they train so hard as if their lives were always in danger every minute.

"Do you know how Draghar got all those injuries?" she asked.

"I wouldn't be here and risk my life asking you about Draghar if I knew the answer." Aurora turned her head, furrowing her brows as she stared at Rose beside her.

However, the girl seemed less affected and started to tell how the wounds on Draghar's body started and why they couldn't heal with their healing abilities.

"Our father found out that Draghar was so weak during their first hunt, that he refused to kill their prey and let it go." Rose started her story.

"I let go of my first game," Aurora mumbled. She remembered when she was hunting with her father and brother, they both allowed her to let go of the prey and it was no big deal.

"That is completely unnatural in this pack." Rose frowned as if she remembered something unpleasant. "Come to think of it, Draghar was quite weird back then. He'd rather be beaten than kill the rabbit he caught."

Aurora raised her eyebrows, she couldn't imagine the fierce and scary looking Draghar hugging a little rabbit and protecting it.

"He was seven years old at the time," Rose said.

"He must be so sweet and kind," Aurora commented, which made Rose frown.

"Yeah, too kind and you know what he gets for being too nice?" Rose asked a rhetorical question. "He received a hundred lashes and was deprived of food and water for a whole day."

Aurora immediately took a sitting position and looked at Rose with disbelieving eyes when she heard this. "That is torture." The sound that came from Aurora's lips was like a growl, her jaw clenched tightly. "How could a father do that to his own child?"

Rose laughed grimly when she heard that statement. "Not all dads are like Torak Donovan, girl." He said that with a wry smile. "And in the end even that stupid rabbit was killed, so there's no meaning in what Draghar did."

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