The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 1160: Aurora (39)

Chapter 1160: Aurora (39)

"It's not only his attitude that shows weakness, but there are many more that make him very despised in our father's eyes. Because as an alpha, having a weak son like Draghar naturally made our father very angry. He started blaming our mother and torturing her."

There were a lot of emotion that flashed in Rose's eyes, as she recalled the incident. She spoke as if it wasn't her own experience, as if it was someone else's life experience.

Gerald blamed Draghar for hurting mom and started torturing him too.

Aurora couldn't imagine what kind of family Draghar had… how could their father commit such a brutal act?

It was completely unimaginable for Aurora, because it was difficult for her to imagine her own father hurting her mother...

"Mother died after giving birth to Knox and that was how Draghar's dark days began," Rose said in a stiff voice.

"What happened to him?" Aurora bit her lip subconsciously, she hugged her own legs, trying to calm her heart.

It's true what Rose said. She felt unable to hear the continuation of Draghar's torture, but Aurora needed to know. She got to know what Draghar's past was like and what made him change...

Maybe Draghar would tell all that to Aurora one day, but for now, she didn't have the patience to wait, because she felt Draghar was getting out of her reach.

Not physically, but Aurora always felt Draghar built a solid wall around her and wouldn't allow anyone to come in and see her true condition.

Even now Aurora still couldn't read what was in Draghar's mind. He was too strict about his thoughts and himself, even from his mate.

"At that time, the torture that Draghar received was multiplied and they started using wolfbane to torture him. Even father didn't care if other members of the pack were involved in the torture."

Aurora could feel her breath catch when she heard that. Wolfbane?! That's very dangerous. The poison can kill them, the lycans.

"That's why the wounds on his body can't heal."

Yes, Aurora remembered that Draghar had mentioned that when they were at the hotel, on their way to the pack.

Then, Rose briefly told what kind of torture Draghar received when he was a child until he was a teenager.

All forms of torture that Aurora had never even imagined before, nor had she ever thought of.

Every time Rose said that Draghar didn't fight back at all when he received all the torture and still tried to be nice to everyone he met so they would like him a little bit more and stop torturing him, then at that moment Aurora felt like her heart was being stabbed by a dull knife.

She couldn't imagine the little Draghar trying to be nice to everyone just to get them to stop torturing him…

How could they have the heart to do this to a child?

Rose also said that Draghar really stopped crying when his father was so angry to see him crying like a woman and added to the punishment he received.

Even until now, Rose had never seen Draghar cry no matter what problems he faced or how painful it was for him.

Aurora felt her heart squeezed very tightly in every word that Rose uttered in telling how dark Draghar's childhood was.

"Then what made Draghar change?" Aurora ventured to ask carefully. Even now the tears were flooding her eyes and made her face feel hot.

Rose stared at Aurora for a moment when she heard the question. "He watched the first girl he liked die in front of him."

"What?" Aurora didn't know what kind of expression she was showing now, but she certainly didn't expect it at all.

Rose then sat in front of Aurora when she saw her response. "Don't get me wrong, this girl was just an omega like Draghar back then and felt sorry for him, that's why she secretly gave him food and drink whenever he was punished."

Aurora lowered her gaze. Actually, Aurora felt she would do the same, whether Draghar was her mate or not…

"That girl did this a number of times and it's safe to say she was the first to show Draghar warmth when everyone was hurting him." Rose took a deep breath. "It's not a romantic relationship, I guess Draghar is just happy that he finally has a friend..."

"Then what happen?" Aurora hugged her body tighter, as if trying to keep herself strong until the end of the story.

"Gerald killed her when he found out that the girl gave Draghar a glass of drink after he had locked him up for three days without eating or drinking." Rose furrowed her brow. "I don't know for sure what happened back then, but something changed from Draghar at that time…"

Aurora could feel the change in Rose, she looked so reluctant to explain in detail what she felt about Draghar's change, as if it scared her.

"He is no longer being nice to the people around him or gave response. It could be said that Draghar didn't utter a word after the incident, he also stopped paying attention to those who ordered him or beat him. In short, he didn't show any expression at all."

Rose said a few more things in a mumbling tone, but they were all about how they tortured Draghar for not giving any response.

"Until one night Draghar challenged father to a fight and killed him without even batting an eye when he beheaded him."

"That's how Draghar got his alpha title, while Gerald was driven out of the pack, because he refused to fight Draghar head-on." Rose then looked at Aurora intensely. "I remember what Draghar was like back then. From within him, it was as if a very dark, cruel and savage creature had just awakened from a long sleep. He looked very horrible at the time."

Of course this was a blow for Gerald. He had dreamed of that position even just as soon as he understood what it meant to be an Alpha.

At this point, Aurora understood why Draghar didn't trust other people, even members of his own pack and the events of the last attack must have really bothered him.

"You don't blame Draghar for that?"

Rose stared at Aurora for a moment before she answered the question. "I agree with him that my father wasn't the best and if it wasn't for Draghar, it's certain that Knox would be the next target. Can't you see how sweet that kid is?" Rose said the word 'sweet' in a somber tone, as if it was a mistake.

Being too kind and sentimental seemed to be a sin in this pack, for being too affectionate was seen as a weakness.

Draghar's pack was very different from hers and this made Aurora feel a little anxious. Did she have the strength to be Luna in a pack like this?

"Don't trust anyone in this pack Aurora," Rose warned her, just like Draghar did.


After hearing all of Rose's stories, Aurora came home to the pack house in a heavy mood, therefore she didn't go straight back to her room with Draghar, but was in the kitchen making her own dinner.

She needed alone time to think more clearly.

It's just a shame that Draghar couldn't be away from her longer than necessary. Because once he couldn't find Aurora in the room or in the great hall, where people gathered, he turned into a panic.

In a precarious situation when he was at odds with Gerald, of course anything could happen and Draghar was used to thinking about the worst.

Therefore, when he finally managed to find Aurora in the kitchen after asking Clarice, only then could he breathe a sigh of relief and with long strides, he immediately approached her.

Draghar's strong hands wrapped around Aurora's waist, as he kissed the girl's hair. "I have been looking for you everywhere."

Aurora was shocked, she didn't notice Draghar's presence because she was deep in her own thoughts.

But, then Draghar caught something odd about it. Of course he could sense the restlessness Aurora felt through the bond between them.

"What happened?" asked Draghar gently, he turned his mate's body and looked straight into her eyes.

And that's when Draghar could read it, read what Aurora was thinking right now, because she was too late to close her mind.

"You know it," said Draghar coldly. "Rose told you about the story."

Even when he said it, Draghar was so reluctant to admit that the dark story was the past that he didn't want to remember at all.

Draghar stared at Aurora fiercely, his eyes flashing between dark brown and black. He was struggling to regulate his emotions so that the wild side inside him could be controlled.

"Ah!" Aurora let out a muffled scream when Draghar grabbed her too tightly and made the wound on her arm from the fight with Rose even more painful.

As if electrocuted, Draghar immediately let go of his embrace on Aurora and jumped back. He was still staring intently into Aurora's eyes, but there was sadness in his voice as he spoke.

"Why did you look after that matter?" he asked like a low growl.

Aurora wrinkled her forehead while holding her aching hip. "You don't want me to know?"

"You shouldn't know such a despicable thing," Draghar clenched his jaw tightly.

Okay, since the problem has become like this, then Aurora will confront him, because there will never be a right time.

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